"If I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me." ~ Psalm 139:9-10

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Photo Post: Easter Break in Egypt

My housemate and best gal pal in TZ, Erin, and I went to Cairo, Egypt, for a few days during our Easter Break in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. For two blondes in Africa, Egypt was an adventure to say the least. A fantastic time. 
A few highlights: Re-routed to Yemen (almost Saudi Arabia) because of a missed connector flight, saw breathtaking pyramids and went inside them, rode camels, ate Egyptian food (koshary and fatta, yum!), visited sites where the Holy Family lived, saw the mummy of the Ramses II, enjoyed nightlife on the Nile in a city that practically never sleeps, and made sure to "Enjoy the Revolution," as the wall graffiti asserted in Tahrir Square. (April 21-26, 2011)
Click here for Easter Break in Egypt photos: "Enjoy the Revolution, Part I"


Monday, April 11, 2011

Photo Post: Zanzibar w/ Dave

I ran out of "free" room on Flickr, so I now have another account with Photobucket! Check out my "Zanzibar w/ Dave" album there.



Sunday, April 10, 2011

Photo Post: Bagamoyo, Blood Donation, Rika Tano, Birthday

About a month ago I discovered where I could upload photos! Blogspot and Facebook both don't like my internet connection here, but I won with Flickr, even though I think the site is confusing to navigate.

Anyway, photos are here! Well, some of them. I still have too many for International Day (back in November) and from safari with my family (and now with Dave).

Bookmark my photo gallery at http://www.flickr.com/photos/alifeinspired  :)

Specific Album Links
February 2011: Bagamoyo Trip w/ Erin & Heather

February 2011: Donating Blood in Africa

February 2011: Last Night w/ YoungLife Africa's Rika Tano

March 2011: Birthday in TZ

Enjoy! And drop me a line at ms.gordon@ymail.com :)

Much love,


Just a Great Day

Great things happened today that made it a really good day here in TZ. An especially welcomed event since Dave left yesterday and it could have been long and sad.

A brief list:
  • Went to "Swahili church" for the first time. Mbezi Chapel, just a short walk down the road. It was great. Felt God, felt love, even if I didn't understand the sermon. Hooray for understanding some of the songs though!
  • Opened up a bag of Pepperidge Farm double chocolate milano cookies my grandma and poppy sent with Dave. Sooo tasty.
  • Spent time with Marie, a friend and former housemate who I always feel blessed to be around.
  • Enjoyed the breeze in the bajaj during the ride to Sea Cliffe.
  • Ate celery for the first time in six months!! My favorite vegetable that I thought was non-existent here. Alas, I found it in the chicken salad I ordered at Africafe. DELICIOUS!
  • Purchased and successfully downloaded Britney Spears' new album "Femme Fatale." Finally figured out the loophole on how to get music here since iTunes hates me: Amazon.com. Yay!
  • Completely splurged and had not one but two mocha frosties w/ hazelnut.
  • Heard from Dave via text saying he was in DC ready for the last two legs of his journey home.
  • Now unwinding with a quiet night at home with power. A good day. No, great day.